This course was developed by Vinland Solutions as part of the CAPIR Consortium for journalists in Latin America. IWPR coordinated this initiative together with the Totem platform, and Media Development Collective, specialists in online education.
Taking care of your mental health

About this course
People who work in the media commonly face high levels of stress making self-care essential to ensure physical and mental health and thus prevent stress from becoming a problem.Experiencing situations with high levels of stress and exhausting workloads can produce physical, emotional and social symptoms with serious consequences.
In this course you will learn different techniques to manage stress and thus acquire tools with which to regulate emotions and perform better in your work and personal life. These techniques will help you to attain a better quality of life and better understand the importance of mental hygiene.
What will you learn in this course?
By the end of this course, you will:
- have acquired emotional self-regulation techniques;
- be able to detect physical and mental stress;
- know tools to control or minimize the effects of stress;
- feel confident in managing your mental stress
About Totem
Totem is an online platform that offers interactive courses to learn how to increase digital security and privacy. The optimal user experience is currently on your desktop computer. The aim is to support journalists, human rights defenders and activists so they can more effectively use privacy tools and tactics in their work.Join today and learn how to protect yourself online.
We recommend first taking the course: “Psychological preparation before and after covering a news story”.
This course takes 60 minutes to complete.
Latest update
This course was last updated in: January 2024